Aircraft Mechanic Salary Georgia

If you’re thinking about enrolling in an aircraft mechanic school, you probably have a lot of questions. One of the most important questions we get is about the salary of aircraft mechanics. Before you invest in your education, make sure your career pays well. LT4nugoGMykWR1yxePXsdUVNKbuinFn6Dj (AMT) and Aircraft and Engine Mechanics (A&P) are in high demand and well paid. In addition, your training as an aircraft mechanic can be used in a variety of professional fields. For example, every day there are 1,000 to 2,000 job openings that require these mechanical skills.

Whether you’re working for FedEx on a Boeing landing gear, working on the avionics of a private Gulfstream, or applying for a mechanic job with UPS, rest assured that there is a wide variety of vacancies. Aircraft mechanics are in high demand. Whether British Airways, Qantas or Virgin – the need for aircraft mechanics has never been greater than today. The training to become an aircraft mechanic can also serve as a basis for other professions, e.g. B. as a flight engineer.

Aircraft Mechanic Salary Georgia

How much does a Aircraft Mechanic make in Georgia? The average salary for an aircraft (jet) mechanic in Georgia is $91,074 (as of September 26, 2022), but the range is typically between $79,344 and $102,665.

Salary ranges can vary widely and depend on many important factors such as: B. Education, certifications, additional skills and the number of years you have spent in your job. With more real-time salary data online than any other site, will helps you determine your exact salary goal.