Self-Studying For A BAR Exam: Should You Go For It?

After law school, students face the challenge of choosing the right option to study for their BAR exam. The most common options are the use of online materials, BAR preparation courses, self-study, and the use of study groups. A significant percentage of law graduates often choose self-study as it is flexible and allows them to engage in other activities and study at their own preferred time. However, before settling on this option, review all the pros and cons and understand everything that is required of you.

Why choose the self-study option for your BAR exam?

No matter how you choose to prepare for your BAR exams, the important thing to note is that there are several paths to success, one of which is self-study. There is a lot of online material available to guide those who want to study on their own. In addition, they can compare BAR assessment courses and choose the ones that meet their requirements. If you do self-study for a BAR exam, you can reap the benefits, among other things.

Considering your strengths

One of the best ways to learn is through your strengths. Self-study for BAR exams allows you to look at the things that work for you and implement them while studying. For example, there are people who find study visually better. Such people can use things like flashcards and read key materials so that they understand any concept they need. Others prefer to use written material, something they can do themselves. This means that you are not limited to a particular study method that could be used if you were taking classes. You do what best suits your learning methods.

Time and pace

If you enroll in a college to prepare for your BAR exam, you must follow the pace the college chooses. It will also limit you to a certain time frame. On the other hand, self-study for your BAR exams gives you the opportunity to choose your own study time and pace. This is especially important for those who are already engaged in other activities. They must be able to divide the time between their preparation for the BAR exam and the other activities they are engaged in.

Saved money

One of the most expensive courses you can enroll in today is a BAR exam preparation course. These courses typically cost upwards of a thousand dollars, something that may not be ideal for students on strict budgets. On the other hand, tutorial materials can be found online for cheaper amounts, or even for free.

Let students choose what to focus on

By enrolling in a course you are forced to study everything that comes your way. You may also be forced to take mini-exams to see how well prepared you are. However, if you opt for self-study, you have the freedom to choose what you want to study. This gives you the chance to focus on areas you struggle with, and spend little to no time on things you already know. Finally, you must have completed a good law degree to be able to self-study for your BAR exam. It is therefore important to ensure that you choose the right law school for your career.

Should you choose self-study for a BAR exam?

With all the benefits that come with this option, it is one of the best for those preparing for a BAR exam. However, self-study is not for everyone. You have to make sure you are organized (you can plan on your own without any help), find the necessary study materials yourself, avoid distractions and assess yourself without any problems. If you have no problem with this, you can choose the self-study option for your BAR exam.